Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Download GMail Desktop Studio v1.2.0.2

Download GMail Desktop Studio v1.2.0.2

GMail Desktop Studio brings all the features of GMail to your desktop. With a system tray notification system, a built in browser, and the ability to handle mailto links: GMail Desktop keeps your GMail accounts within a mouse click. GMail Desktop Studio allows you to monitor multiple GMail or Google Apps for your Domain accounts. The system tray notification system allows you to see how many new messages you have without any interaction from you. From the new mail notification window you can click on any of your messages to instantly view.

GMail Desktop Studio is great for those who want quick access to their GMail accounts, and instant notification of new mail.

::Download Link::


- Works with GMail and Google Apps for your Domain accounts
- Built in Email viewer with quick launch features
- Ability to handle mailto links
- Ability to handle multiple accounts
- Color association for accounts
- Monitor different GMail tags
- Custom notification options per account
