Saturday, November 7, 2009

AMD Launches 125W Phenom II X4 965 CPU

AMD Launches 125W Phenom II X4 965 CPU
POV-Ray, x264 HD, WME9, Folding@Home


POV-Ray is a free raytracing program. Version 3.7 beta has 64bit support and native SMP capability. We used the built-in benchmark to test multithreaded performance.

x264 HD Benchmark:

x264 is a free library for encoding H264/AVC video streams. Tech ARP has a nifty benchmark app to bring some automation and standardization to the encoder. Simply execute a batch file and it will run three tests using two different encoder versions. We are only reporting the newest version since its scores are a little better. This is multithreaded and maintained very high CPU usage, especially during the second pass.

Windows Media Encoder 9 - x64 Edition:

Windows Media Encoder 9 x64 Edition is free from Microsoft and is yet another multithreaded app. The conversion was actually a two pass process, but WME only reports a final time. The first pass doesn't fully utilize all CPU power, but the second pass comes pretty close to full utilization. For this test we used a 10 Min ~130 MB video to re-encode to the 2Mb/s DVD quality format.

Folding @ Home Benchmarks:

We at EXTREME Overclocking are Folding @ Home nuts! If you fold then you have probably seen the EOC Folding Stats pages. Using the Folding@Home benchmark CD created by notfred, we ran the benchmark64 app to get these numbers. The benchmark doesn't run any of the new SMP work units, but it does give general relative performance of each processor.
